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Three easy tasks
We keep this page updated intermittently with a list of easy tasks you can do to support local campaigns against closure and be part of raising awareness of the hidden exploitations of current early years policy in England.
Please be in touch to if you are able to share your experience and up for connecting to local networks in your area, and check out our News page – for posts with details of upcoming demonstrations, meetings and further information about the campaigns listed below. Last updated: 17 September 2024.
1.Follow us on twitter and boost local campaigns
Follow us on Twitter @postpandmicch1, and boost our comments with some emojis if you don't have headspace to comment! Follow the accounts of local campaigns and union branches that we share, and re-share their campaign links!
Current campaigns on Twitter include: @SaveLittleOwls and @Save_Fernbank and @saveNHS_nursery
2. sign & share these petitions
The Ioss of early years services has an impact far beyond those immediately most severely impacted. Signing petitions helps boost them to reach more local engagement and shows your solidarity – so even if you are not local to these campaigns your solidarity is appreciated!
However if you are a local resident or work in the area – please ensure you indicate this.
Leeds, Little Owls: against the privatisation of the Leeds Little Owls council-run nurseries
London, Hackney Childrens Centres: against impacts on over 50 members of early years staff and the loss over 200 quality affordable under twos places:
London, Queen Mary University nursery: against the closure of Westfield Nursery, the workplace nursery at QMUL – More about the campaign here.
London, NHS Nurseries in Denmark Hill: sign the petition against the closure of King’s College Hospital Day Nursery and the Cedar House Day Nursery at Maudsley Hospital More about the campaign here.
3. Join a demo and Join the fight!
Save the date and bring your friends and family to upcoming demonstrations in:
Leeds: Saturday 28 September, 11.30am
Shepards Lane Rally and March to Banstead Park, assemble in the Shepards Lane carpark, LS8 5AW
Join the march, and fight for the Little Owls. More about the campaign here.
Hackney: Monday 25 November, 5.30pm.
Hackney Town Hall, Mare St, London E8 1EA
Join the demo against the closure of council run children centre nurseries, timed for the Cabinet Meeting, this demo will follow the campaigns challenge to Hackney Council's plans being heard at the High Courts of Justice: 6-7 November 2024. More about the campaign here.
Image: Islington nursery workers on strike, supported by parents, carers and children, 1984. These pages were set up as part of the 'Grow Your Own' project, run by On the Record and Post Pandemic Childcare Coalition, initially funded by Trust for London. The project has developed campaign resources and this London map of Childcare Histories – activism and organising.
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