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we connect local campaigns to our network of activists. We raise the overlooked impacts of government & market failure. WE DEMAND real CHANGE.

activist nETWORK – Resources & coalition support

We connect current campaigns with successful past campaigners from across the UK so that they can hear from someone who has been through it before and share knowledge & advice.


We create resources such as blog posts and other media, sharing research, childcare organising histories, and our network, to help support local campaigns to grow and succeed.


Additionally, we provide community and practical support where possible through facilitated group sessions and workshops. Please get in contact if you are interested in using your experience to support this work, or need support for a local campaign.​ 

local chapters

We are beginning to establish 'chapters' - local networks of activists - in different regions of England.​

​If you'd like to set up a chapter in your local area, be part of emerging chapters in Leeds, London, Brighton and Manchester, or have a campaign that needs help get in contact.

NATIONAL Campaigns

We are building a national campaign for public childcare. Read about it here

Contact us to get involved, email with your union branch (where applicable) and reason for interest!

trade union or political party affiliation

If you would like to affiliate your local branch to Post Pandemic Childcare and the Public Childcare Now campaign –  please be in touch! 


We run online meetings for early years workers, parents, carers, and campaigners to come together and discuss the issues currently facing them in the childcare sector. We also hope run some in-person meetings soon.

Steering group

Our Steering Group gathers individuals from across England (childcare is devolved) who have experience of active engagement in local community campaigns, union organising and mutual aid.

Steering group (2023): Nirupama Naidu and Louise O’Hare (parent campaigners, SEND Crisis, Tower Hamlets), Veronica Deutsch (organiser, Nanny Solidarity Network), Caroline Hughes (activist, Salford UNISON), Lee Shannon (parent campaigner,  Fight For The Five, Salford).

We are growing a steering group for our national public childcare campaign, and open to new members; if you would like to join, please let us know, via our contact form.

Ally network

Our Ally Network is made up of migrant rights groups, Deaf and disabled peoples organisations, charities tackling child poverty, academic research groups, and other grassroots organisations that share the concerns in our manifesto part of our aim to unite disparate voices around childcare. We will meet with these groups when appropriate to update and share information about our work and ask for support. Ally Networks may include some of our campaigns or demands in their own strategic priorities and we may in the future run joint campaigns with these groups (where appropriate). We hope that these will support us by promoting our blog posts & news amongst their networks and support our efforts to mobilise.


If you are an organisation that would like to join our Ally Network, please get in touch.

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